New Technology: 

Micra™ is the world's smallest pacemaker.

Unlike most pacemakers that are placed in a patient's chest with leads running to the heart, Micra is a leadless pacemaker because it's implanted directly into the heart.

Dr. Singh is trained and certified to implant Micra. Patients with Micra will be monitored via our pacemaker clinic to ensure the best therapy. 

Tele-Medicine (Virtual Clinic): 

Dr. Singh used to provide telemedicine services through Mercy Hospital or San Joaquin Community Hospital for decades. 

Since March of 2019, he set up his own Telemedicine system in his own office to provide services for large institutions. 

Through large Polycom screen, he is able to interact with patients like in person. Through Clear-Stethoscope, he is able to listen to patients' heart beats.  


Our office will be closed to observe the following holidays:

  • The New Year's Day ...........................  January 1
  • Memorial Day ..................................... May 27
  • Independence Day ............................. July 4
  • Labor Day ............................................ Sept  2
  • Thanksgiving Day + Day After ........... Nov 28, 29
  • Christmas Eve + Christmas Day..........Dec 25

Call Us:  +1.6613270807

Kern Cardiology Medical Group Medical-Since 1978